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The Spinner component is the used to provide a visual cue that an action is either processing, awaiting a course of change or a result.


import { Spinner } from "pearl-ui";


// default variant is set as "spinner" and size is set as "m" in the default Pearl theme<Spinner />

Spinner sizes#

Use the size prop to change the size of spinner used. You can set the value to the keys available in PearlTheme.components.Spinner["sizes"], which are "s", "m", "l", and "xl" in the default theme.

//  size="l" refers to the value of `theme.components.Spinner["sizes"]["l"]`<Spinner size="l" />

Spinner variants#

Use the variant prop to change the type of spinner used. You can set the value to "ball", "bar", "dot", "spinner", "pacman", "pulse", "skype", "activity", and "wave".

// variant="ball" refers to the value of `theme.components.Spinner["variants"]["ball"]`<Spinner variant="ball" />

Override Style#

The Spinner component also supports a variety of style props which can be used to override the pre-defined variant style in the theme. Manual style props passed into the component have a higher precedance than the default component style.

// passing style prop color="danger.500" overrides the default component style value of color="primary.500"<Spinner color="danger.500" variant="dot" />



The Spinner component doesn't work on Expo web as the animation gets cut off after a few seconds. Please run the following example on either an Android or iOS device.


  • Spinner has the role of progressbar.
  • Spinner has the default label set as "Loading indicator". A custom label can be specified using the accessibilityLabel prop.


Supported style props#

The Spinner component supports the following style props:

Additional props#

sizefalsePearlTheme.components.Spinner["sizes"]"m"Size of the spinner.
variantfalse"ball" | "bar" | "dot" | "spinner" | "pacman" | "pulse" | "skype" | "activity" | "wave""spinner"Type of the spinner.
isLoadingfalsebooleantrueThe loading status of the Spinner. If false, the Spinner component is removed from the DOM.
isFullScreenfalsebooleanfalseSpinner container takes the entire screen size and centers the spinner within.
animationDurationfalsenumber1200Animation duration in ms.
animatingfalsebooleantrueToggles the animation status.
accessibilityLabelfalsestringThe accessibility label of the spinner

Default Component Style#

export default {  baseStyle: {    color: "primary.500",    animationDuration: 1200,    animating: true,  },  sizes: {    s: {      spinnerSize: 10,    },    m: {      spinnerSize: 15,    },    l: {      spinnerSize: 20,    },    xl: {      spinnerSize: 30,    },  },  variants: {    ball: { count: 8 },    bar: { count: 3 },    dot: {      sizeMultiplier: 0.2,      count: 4,    },    spinner: {      animationDuration: 3600,    },    pacman: {},    pulse: {},    skype: { count: 5, minScale: 0.2, maxScale: 1.0 },    activity: { count: 12 },    wave: { count: 4, waveFactor: 0.54, waveMode: "fill" },  },  defaults: {    size: "m",    variant: "spinner",  },};